Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i see an obsession on the horizon

oh. my. goodness. I have stumbled across the most amazing thing. Wallpaper. I know, I know, I was shocked too but go here ( and you will see. While you're there mosey on over to the wall stickers section as well. I'm in love.


melissa said...

oh yeah, those are super cool. there's some really pretty wallpaper hiding out these days.

i noticed some cool decals behind bankszilla in that one picture--did you just put those up with starch or are they actual decals?

Carrie said...

Melissa- They are actual decals. They are from the Dwell studio for Target line. I love them and I got them on clearance. Score.

Sara said...

those birds on branches are exactly what i thought would be neat in the girl's room--i'm happy to see where you get that stuff . . .

Caity said...

That is pretty darn cute stuff! I was wondering...what is your favorite?

Abby said...

I've had my eye on wallpaper recently as well.
Maybe our moms/grandmas weren't crazy! And to think our grandchildren may tear our wall decor down thinking we had no sense of taste!

Natalie said...

very cool. I'm digging the pillows too. I wonder if that is where Ty gets his wallpaper for all the Extreme Makeover stuff- looks similar.

mandakay said...

super cute. we did wallpaper cutouts on haleys wall. looks good

diana palmer said...

shoot, i wanted to be your obsession a little longer. can't tell you how delighted i was to read your comment to me in response to my mom makeover post. i don't have your email or anything to uh, make this more personal, but you've pretty much earned my lifelong adoration and friendship. lookout.

and i dig wallpaper and decals but am intimidated by the whole process. can you put up, then take down in an apartment?

Erica Bass said...

There is a lot cooler wall paper out these days. The really cool stuff can be $$$$! cool site.

boo face mcjones said...

crap. now i'm obsessed. nice pick.