Thursday, September 17, 2009

just moving photos further down

Raining again today and I let Benson be "sick" and stay home from school. So far he is whiny and I feel impatient. But right now I'm getting off the computer and then everything will be fine.

But mostly i just need to get that photo off the top. It makes me gag (and others too, apparently).


Carly said...

Hannah said she had a tough day at school and cried without Benson there with her! I thought it was cute!!

Rachel said...

Good luck today. Some days are just long before they even start.

laura d said...

I had to do the same to my blog when I was prego! Can't remember what it was a picture of but I had to do some mindless chatting to get it to go away...not to say that your post was mindless chatting... :D