Sunday, March 30, 2008
Posted by Carrie at 11:57 AM 6 comments
look how far we've come
Posted by Carrie at 11:42 AM 5 comments
birthday boy
Posted by Carrie at 11:34 AM 6 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
money shmoney
Today I took Benson out for a mini date to the library and to Walmart for ice cream. While we were deliberating about what kind of ice cream to get I said to him, "I think I want some candy bar ice cream. Does that sound good?" And he said, "No, Mommy, it's too expensive." While this made me giggle quite a bit, I'm a little nervous that I'm ruining the boy. I guess I've said that a lot more than I recall.
Some of my other favorite things about Benson lately are his many opinions. I can put on an outfit now and ask if he likes it and he will give me a definite yes or no, and usually what is good or bad about it. It's so hilarious to hear his thoughts on it! Ha. He also knows exactly what he likes to listen to on the radio. If there is ever a rapish r&b song he says, "I like this one!" and if I try to turn the station he will make me turn it back. Some of his favorites are "the Soldier Boy" song and the "Uh Oh" song (I don't know what they are called). I think I'm going to have to blame this one on Uncle Steve. It must be in his blood.
Posted by Carrie at 6:46 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
I put the boys' hair into mohawks in the bathtub the other day and Benson has been asking for mohawks ever since. I just thought I should warn all of you that if you start to see mohawks in upcoming pictures it's because Benson thinks they are really cool.
Posted by Carrie at 9:39 AM 4 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Benson pretty much lived on cloud 9 yesterday. He got to dye eggs, then take a 20 minute nap only to wake up and discover that the Easter Bunny had left him a basket full of candy eggs and also hid eggs all over the yard. He was seriously so excited. These are sadly the only pictures we have from the event, but we have some lovely video footage of it all. We need a live-in camera crew, I swear. Anyway then today after church we let the chickens into their new yard to hang out for a while and enjoy the sun. Both the children and the chickens thought it was great.
Posted by Carrie at 1:55 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
while we are being domestic...
Ps. I forgot to mention that if you have kids you should definitely have them watch the pitas in the oven. Actually husbands should watch too. And don't miss out on the action yourself. It's pretty cool.
Posted by Carrie at 5:42 PM 7 comments
Labels: recipes
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
st. patty's day
This isn't a very good picture of our feast, but rest assured that it is 100% green. We had pasta with spinach pesto, green jello, salad, and even green bread. It was fun to try and explain to Benson how cool it was to have a totally green dinner. I think he'll think it's neater next year.
Posted by Carrie at 9:43 AM 12 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
egg hunting
On Saturday the NMNG had an easter party. Benson had lots of fun playing games to get prizes and most of all EGG HUNTING. He really thought it was the best day of his life, I think. And wouldn't you know that of the hundreds of eggs they put out only 2 dozen were real hard boiled eggs (the rest being plastic and filled with candy) and we are pretty sure Benson got them all. There was not a single candy filled egg in his basket. His parents were a little saddened by this but he was happy as could be.
Posted by Carrie at 11:34 AM 3 comments
everyone is my best
I actually had this conversation with Benson last night. I even wrote it down right after so it's pretty much word for word.
Benson: I like you. I like Daddy too. I just love everybody because they are all my best. Frampa is my best collecting the eggs from the chickens and that big rooster guy. Nana is my best painting and sewing and eating all kinds of cereal. Oh and my best playing all kinds of things. Grammy is my best reading books on that tv.
I'm not sure where all that came from but it made me laugh pretty hard. You should seriously see his Nana's cabinet. She really does have every kind of cereal.
Posted by Carrie at 11:23 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
and they're off, well in
... the plants I mean. Gardening season is upon us and despite my failed attempts in years previous we are again venturing to coax something to grow into edibility. This year we have planted (so far): brussels sprouts, romaine lettuce, rainbow mix carrots, broccoli, and sugar snap peas. Keep your fingers crossed that despite their very bleak surroundings (ie the desert in which I live) they will grow into beautiful and happy little plants. Ps. The chickens are eating and pooping us out of house and home but are very happy little girls.
Posted by Carrie at 2:39 PM 5 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
you are all invited
Mancos State Park in Southwestern Colorado is a haven for the year-round outdoor enthusiast and traveler. In the spring, summer and fall, canoeists, kayakers and wakeless power boaters enjoy the calm waters of Jackson Gulch Reservoir. Fishing enthusiasts have pulled numerous species of fish, including yellow perch and rainbow trout, out of the reservoir. Travelers from other parts of the state and country use Mancos State Park as their camping headquarters when they visit the numerous attractions in the area, including Mesa Verde National Park, the San Juan Skyway and Durango.
So this is where we are thinking of going camping this spring. The probable dates that we want to go are from May 23rd to May 26th. Let us know if this works, and anyone who wants to can come. See you then!!!
*Ok well it is settled for May 23-26th. I've reserved the campsite for all those who rsvp'd so far (which is to say Drew and Am only) so anyone else who wants to go should decide soon so we can get the campsite next to ours.
Posted by Carrie at 6:01 PM 9 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Posted by Carrie at 7:00 PM 6 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Big 3
Benson turned a big 3 yesterday. He got lots of great presents from family (thank you everyone) and most of all he finally got to eat his egg cake. We did a horrible job of taking pictures so we really only have this one to show you. Anyway he had a great birthday and we all had lots of fun with him.
Posted by Carrie at 9:47 AM 8 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
early+late=benson's birthday
All Benson wants for his 3rd year celebration are chickens. We are probably bad parents to entertain his latest whim so shamelessly but secretly I wanted chickens too, and Ben was hankering for a building project so in all honesty it's not a complete indulgence of 3 year old wishes. Anyway we have been (well Ben has, really) building the hen house for a few weeks and we have it finished now except for shingles on the roof. It has been a fun project and Benson is super excited to put chickens in their new house (but in the meantime is very happy to occupy it for them). Unfortunately we have to wait a few weeks for the type of chickens we want to be born and shipped to the local feed store. But be excited for part deux of Benson's birthday in a few weeks: fuzzy baby chicks.
Posted by Carrie at 3:19 PM 5 comments