I'm just very excited about this table so I had to post a photo for the family. We found this table on craigslist for a song and it's actually exactly what I would have chosen so I'm pretty stoked. If anyone has been to our house you know that the last table was the same one I ate from as a baby and it was pretty ugly (sorry parents!). It's always fun to upgrade.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
gather round
Posted by Carrie at 2:42 PM 9 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
We just got back from our camping trip in Colorado. We had so much fun! It was snowing when we got there and snowed off and on for the first 2 days which was less than fun (and a surprise!) but it was so hilarious that it was kind of fun. At first we were scared it was going to be miserable but the kids were surprisingly ok and the rest of us just sat around the fire and laughed that it was snowing. We are sad that the other family members couldn't come but we had so much fun with Drew and Amber! You guys are such good sports. Drew took us all fly fishing on the lake and caught a whole bunch of fish pretty much every time we went out. It was so exciting! We ate good food and more toasted marshmallows than one should eat in a year, hiked and fished and canoed and just had a great time. The only sad part is that we missed my aunt's wedding. Sorry I missed your day, my favorite Aunt Les! Hopefully we'll see you soon. Anyway this was the most fun we've ever had camping and I'm so glad we decided to brave the weather. We certainly made memories.
Posted by Carrie at 4:44 PM 3 comments
Posted by Carrie at 4:37 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
barber of seville
Posted by Carrie at 11:40 AM 11 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
doing the body rock
Here is a taste of the "body rock." I'll see if I can get the longer one to load too.
Posted by Carrie at 1:01 PM 7 comments
tumbling class
On Fridays Benson goes to tumbling class taught by a friend from church. I realize that most of these photos are of Banks but we felt bad interrupting his class to be paparazzi parents. Anyway Benson and Banks (and I!) have so much fun because it's really relaxed and just a fun time to run around with other kids. I appreciate that Benson is having some exposure to a structured hour while I get to socialize with other women from church. It is $10 a month well spent.
Posted by Carrie at 12:51 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
they're going to pull through
Posted by Carrie at 8:13 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
chicken tragedy
We had a lot of fun today playing at our friends' house but came home to an almost horrible sight. There were feathers all over the yard and I only found Posy after looking for a few minutes. She was hiding really well, the smart little girl. It appears that our cute little chickens were attacked while we were gone. I almost cried because I thought they had been eaten. Luckily they are apparently really manly girls because they fought their assailant and only suffered from a few nicks on their legs and combs. They'll probably die from shock anyway but we'll be taking further measures to ensure they don't get attacked again. Not that anyone cares about my chickens but I was so sad that I had to post about it, after I called my mummy and daddy for comfort. I swear someday I'll be a big girl. Anyway I'll try to take some photos tomorrow so you can see their wounds.
Posted by Carrie at 6:31 PM 7 comments
Friday, May 9, 2008
last 5 years in review

Posted by Carrie at 8:01 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
high fashion
It's all for you, cousin Maddie. Benson will be a little sad to see his "run around skirt" go. My favorite part about this is that he accessorized the ensemble with a tie. That's high fashion.
Posted by Carrie at 8:41 PM 7 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
photo shoot
My mom requested some close up photos of the children for mother's day so I took them to the park in hopes of shooting some magic. Well, it was less than magical but we got a few that might work. Truth be told, my camera only had enough batteries for 24 shots and if anyone else has kids like mine, they know that it takes a lot more than that to get a good picture out of the bunch. Banks was very uncooperative but surprisingly I had more trouble with Benson. He was happy to sit there and pose for me but could not remember to look at the camera for more than 1 second, and when he did he gave be the most fabulous cheeser he could pull out. Ha. Good thing they will look the same in the days to come. We will get a good photo out of them if it's the last thing I do.
Posted by Carrie at 10:16 PM 3 comments
someone is having a baby...
Or thinks he is anyway. Benson is crazy about putting things in his shirt and pretending like he's having a baby. Last night Benson fell asleep in our bed and when we went to put him in his own bed we found him like this:with his silkies stuffed up his shirt for sleeping. He is so weird but extremely adorable.
Posted by Carrie at 8:47 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sorry I've been kinda MIA from blogging lately. My grandparents and mom came to visit me and we were too busy having fun to blog. Benson fell in love with my grandpa and I think the feeling was mutual. They even shared a banana split, which is not something even I would do with Benson. My mom came with them too, but I don't have any photos of her. I need to work on taking more pictures. I'm so glad they were all able to come and see us... it is so nice to be around family. We miss you all already!
Posted by Carrie at 7:52 AM 5 comments