We are having too much fun. We'll be back to regular posting soon, I promise. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted by Carrie at 4:09 PM 6 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
here's your christmas card!
Ben's gonna like that title. haha it's his favorite seinfeld.
We are terrible people this year. All these wonderful people have sent us Christmas cards and now they sit patiently by the mailbox, just waiting for a lovely card from us, as is the tradition. Go back inside, friends. Warm your hands by the fire and know that it's not that we don't love you. We just didn't send out Christmas cards this year. But we still love you. And we really think we'll be sending them again next year, so if you can take a chance on us we'd love to get one again next year even though we don't deserve it.
Merry Christmas to you anyway!
The Tracys
Posted by Carrie at 4:25 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
all I want for christmas is a pine cone house
Benson: Mommy I think what I really want for Christmas is a pine cone house.
Me: Hmmm ok can we just make it out of this brown blanket?
Benson: No, mommy you need to make it on your sewing machine. And I want a little door, and a hall, and some stairs, and a bed in it. Ok, Mommy? Let's go look for some fabric upstairs.
Me: Ok, but if we don't have the right fabric we'll have to wait until we get to Nana's house to make one.
Benson: Ok, but that's what I want, Mommy, so I need you to make it on your sewing machine. Is that a deal?
Me: Deal.
Just a heads up there, Nana. Here's hoping he gets over the pine cone house obsession reeeeeal quick. I'm still recovering from the Optimus Prime costume.
Posted by Carrie at 5:24 PM 5 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
family pictures turned ugly
Yesterday we learned a very important lesson for our family: Do not try to take photographs of the family by yourselves. Ugh. It was seriously the most stressful outing and we have nothing to show for it! hahaha At one point I'm shouting at Benson to quit hitting his brother and Banks quit climbing on that and Ben I quit I'm not doing this anymore and I look up to see a bunch of teenagers laughing at me from across the square. sigh. At least maybe it will keep them from wanting kids too early (as is the epidemic these days). None of the pictures turned out well, but a few did have us all looking at the camera at the same time, which is apparently all we could have hoped for. Anyway I figured since I hadn't blogged in a few days I should post something.
Posted by Carrie at 4:36 PM 9 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Apparently asleep by seven and up at eight are the magic numbers for me.
Have you slept a long slumber recently? You really should try it. It's amaaaaazing for your outlook on life.
Posted by Carrie at 8:45 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
a few more
Just thought that I would share a few more delightful pictures of my beautiful wife for all of her fans to admire!!!
Posted by Carrie at 5:58 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
2 days smorgasbord
If I were to combine my yesterday and today I would have close to the perfect day:

sigh. perfect.
Posted by Carrie at 1:59 PM 6 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
best friends
I have found the perfect friend. He is funny, sweet, snuggly, playful, cute cute cute, helpful, totally obedient, and always up for conversation. And you know what else? He's three.
As Benson gets older, although granted only slightly, I am beginning to catch a vision of having another best friend in my household. Ben is a great friend to me already, but he's in for some competition. As we were laying in bed last night, Benson came and hopped in for a bit, just for a little snuggle before going off to his own bed. And while Ben was too tired to talk, Benson and I had a great conversation, even as he was beginning to snore he was still trying to add to the conversation. And another thing that I love about my friend Benson is that he is so quick to forgive me it's like instantaneous. As quickly as he is upset he is saying, "Mommy, I need a hug so we can be friends again." And if he finds me crying he will always come sit on my lap, give me hugs, and wipe my tears. And the most important thing Benson does for me as a friend is that he truly has unconditional love for me, and he never quits showing me that.
This morning I woke bursting with love for the little men in my life. Banks is still a sweet little baby to me, but Benson is becoming less a baby and more my little best friend, and I hope that as he grows, he stays that. All those challenging days of meeting the many needs of a completely needy person are beginning to pay off tenfold. This motherhood thing is awesome.
Posted by Carrie at 6:52 AM 6 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
carlsbad caverns/exploring the homeland

Last weekend we took off and went to Carlsbad Caverns down in the southern part of our great state. I didn't really know what to expect, but it was awesome and nothing like the experience with the infamous nutty putty freak out of 6 years ago. And Benson had a great time until his little leggies got tired and I'm pretty sure it gave Banks nightmares because the night after that he fell asleep in bed with Ben and I, only to wake up screaming, and I mean SCREAMING in terror. That was fun. Not really, but the trip was. Whew. The end.
Posted by Carrie at 1:02 PM 3 comments