Does everyone who reads this blog also read design*sponge? Because it's pretty much the awesomest place ever. Today, for example, they featured these amazing wooden stamps:And I want one of everything. So, if someone would just buy me a house, I could totally buy one of these and stamp to my heart's delight on all my correspondences. I'd like an older house, as long as I'm giving orders. And on a little land if that's at all possible, but I'm not picky. Honestly, I'd really just like an address so I can buy my stamps. Thanks.
And just to clarify, yes, I have an address currently, but I don't want a stamp to go with this one. I don't like this one. It's too far away from everyone I really like. And I need green.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by Carrie at 2:33 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
the afformentioned bean buns
World, meet bean bun. Bean bun, meet world. Now let's get cozy.
My brother Mike says that bean buns are the ultimate trailer park food, and really he's probably right. But they are Mmmmm I want one right now and it's only 8:45. My mom made them for us when we were younger, and she had a tendency to burn them, but I still love them so they really must be good. So, trashy or not, I give you one of my favorite comfort foods:
Bean Buns
Hot dog or hamburger buns (doesn't matter, just use whatever you have)
Canned pork and beans*
Cheddar cheese
bacon (totally optional-- but you'll want to cook first)
Preheat broiler. Put buns on a pan and under broiler for a few minutes while you gather ingredients. Slice cheese, open can, get ready for awesomeness. Get out your buns, put a little pork and beans on them, then top with some cheese and bacon if using. Broil until bubbly and toasted. Serve on your nicest china. Donezo!
*If you want to get fancy, you can use leftover baked beans (SO GOOD)
Posted by Carrie at 7:42 AM 6 comments
Labels: recipes
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Last week in one post:
We got a dog! We got rid of the dog (it was for my mom). We had a lovely visit from Brian and his girlfriend Shelby, and they were so stinking cute to the kids that Benson told them he wanted them to live with us forever. Ben has been doing guard until the wee hours every day, but is almost done. We shopped for moccasins. Benson got croup, and now Banks has it, and it feels like I'm going that way too. We joined facebook and found a million friends from long ago. We sold a couch on craigslist and got yelled at by lots of people who wanted it but didn't get it. We made crepes and served them with caramel sauce and whipped cream. Twice. We ate fondue (fancy), and bean buns (white trash). What a week.
Now I remember why I didn't blog all week. Nothing interesting happened! Oh well. It's a simple life but I kind of like it that way.
Posted by Carrie at 6:42 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Six years have quietly come and gone. No public declarations of love (I've already done more than enough of that), no trips to Tahiti, no stress. Just quiet reflections, tenderly sweet homemade cards, and... one completely awesome surprise; a much coveted comforter:
The one question that I ask him over and over, "Why why why did you marry me?" I was so dumb as a little 19 year old girl. Really. So. Dumb. I wouldn't have married me, that's for sure. And he always answers the same thing, "I knew who you wanted to be, and I loved that you. I knew you'd get there." And while I don't think I'm "there" yet, I'm definitely not who I was back then. Thanks for seeing the potential in me, and making that risky investment, love. I hope it pays off some day. xoxo Happy A-day.
Posted by Carrie at 9:00 PM 9 comments
dear chelsea,
Hey! I don't have your current email anymore and I'm wondering what you are up to, dear friend. You should email me so I know how to find you. Hopefully you'll see this sometime soon. :)
Posted by Carrie at 8:23 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
it's not just for teeth
If you ever have a terrible mothering moment, the kind where you start a project with a sharpie, then abandon it to play with your new puppy (on loan), then ignore your little one who is playing ever so quietly, only to discover that he has happened upon said sharpie and waived his right to paper in favor of coloring all over your really lovely wood table, I can save you.
Use toothpaste. That's right, toothpaste.
Of course if you want the authentic experience, you can first have a terrible, sinking feeling, scrub for 20 minutes to no avail, then resign yourself to a graffiti covered table, before asking the internet, "what removes permanent marker from wood?" and find the answer immediately, which of course takes off the marker in less than 2 minutes. Because that's fun too.
Let's be on to run-on sentences today, shall we?
Posted by Carrie at 11:10 AM 6 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
it's a marshmallow world in the winter
I made homemade marshmallows yesterday and I've been debating for a full 24 hours if I like them even equally to the store-bought variety. Which, I have to admit, is a little weird because if there was ever a thing I could make homemade I will almost always choose to make it at home because homemade just tastes so much better. Then I met homemade marshmallows. Well hello, there. They are beautiful, fluffy, square, and kind of weirdly textured. I wanted to fall in love with them and elope in Paris, but I just.. couldn't... do... it.
But that aaaaall changed this morning, when I put confections in question to their final test. They went for a little dunk in a steaming pool of hot cocoa and... and... Oh baby. They are SO much better than the store bought in there. It's amazing! They are creamy, and smooth, and melty-yummy-delicious.
In conclusion, if you ever come to a hot cocoa party at my house, you can expect homemade marshmallows. But any other time, expect the usual jet-puffed variety.
If you'd like to find out for yourself, the recipe I used can be found here.
(Photo from martha)
Posted by Carrie at 7:37 AM 5 comments
Labels: recipes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
he takes after his father
Ben says the only subject he really struggled with in school was penmanship. And now, poor Benson has had the hardest time getting his little name on a piece of paper. He has practiced writing his name for hours now, and it's paying off. He's been so determined, and it's so cute to see him do his "homework" with daddy. Ak, before I know it, he'll be in kindergarten and then reading, and thenwriting stories, and then being published.
Posted by Carrie at 11:31 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
le ballet
This week we will celebrate 6 lovely years together. And because my husband is so awesome, he took me to see the Russian National Ballet perform Cinderella. The ballet itself was less than stellar, honestly, but it was so fun go out it really didn't matter. My favorite part of the night was eavesdropping during intermezzo. We parked ourselves next to a group of Russians, looked intently at our program, and Ben listened and translated what they were saying. Ben was Bond, and I was his arm candy. But secretly packing heat. I just googled "packing heat" to make sure that means what I think it does. It does.
Posted by Carrie at 7:09 AM 13 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
sweet dreams
Before we ever had children, Ben talked about how excited he was to share his love of sports with his boys. It warms my heart to see him get his wished fulfilled.
And while I share this dream with Ben, the dream I think of most often for myself is playing dolls with my daughter. I really hope that someday I get to have my dreams too.
Discover Kate Rusby!
PS please enjoy some tunage. This is one of my newest favorites. It's kind of random, and sorta makes me want to cry, but I love it somehow. I really want to go to Ireland, but for now, I love listening to this and picturing old castles and green, rolling hills. And sheep. And men in kilts.
*Ha! It's totally a Scottish song. hahaha Do Scotland and Ireland look very different? hahaha I'm dumb, but it's still good. :)
Posted by Carrie at 11:51 AM 8 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
never give up
My kids are so stubborn about trying new foods. It makes me crazy! Ugh, last week I actually cried because I take so much time to make healthy dinners for my family and then no one but me eats them. It's dumb to cry over it, but you know sometimes I get stressed out for no good reason.
But there is hope.
Benson somehow got brave enough to try the celery in his chicken noodle soup last night, and exclaimed, "This is my FAVORITE!" And then he ate all the celery in his bowl and asked for some more.
I'm so happy he's found a vegetable companion for the carrots he likes.
Now if we could only get Banks to eat something once in a while that wasn't Ramen Noodles...
Posted by Carrie at 1:45 PM 7 comments