Wednesday, July 11, 2007

For some this might be pics of Benson and zucchini overkill but I thought they went so well in the series I couldn't decide which one to leave out. He loves these zucchini and spent the better part of the morning playing with them, all the while saying, "It's a BIIIIG one!"


melissa said...

ha. i love this kid. he's a crack up.

and i'm glad you put a picture in your profile. but seriously, june had some pretty sweet dresses. i actually watched a leave it to beaver episode yesterday, coincidentally. beaver's teacher came over for dinner.

Megan said...

Oh I love him!!!

Caity said...

That last one with the side smile reminds me of Ben! How cute he is! It's cool how much he loves his vegetables.

Pam said...

Oh man, I cried when I read that. He is just a joy through and through and isn't it a kind of miracle that you can love someone that much? Mom