Monday, July 16, 2007

Notes on a Benson

So here are some thoughts for today. First, I need a girl. I cannot survive in this boy world I've created. Benson keeps asking me to switch his Transformer from robot to car and, people, I really struggle. Between that and the car sounds and the daily Evil Kinevil shows and the lack of Barbies, I just can't keep up. I need a little girl to play dolls and Barbies and dress up. I love my boys but this is like living in a foreign country and not speaking the language. I just don't speak boy.

Second thought for today: Benson recently became the Mom in this house. You know how any time you lose something you just ask your mom and she knows where it is? That's Benson now. I discovered this the other day when I could not find the keys. I was running all over the house looking, when I started talking out loud about where could these keys be, etc. So Benson just looks at me and goes, "In the drawer, Mommy." Much to my surprise they were in the drawer he said. So have the days gone by with losing various things and Benson knowing where each and every item was. I should mention that many of them were, "In my tent, Mommy," or "in the ambulance, Mommy," but still. At least he finally remembers where he hides stuff.

Third thought: Benson will not sing. We can get him to do a single "Ahhhh" but that's it. And even that is hard. He says the words to songs but absolutely will not put a note to the words. It is weird and I was just wondering if anyone has any advice for this melody malady. I'm a little nervous he's inherited it from his father.


melissa said...

you'll be great with a girl, but you're also great with boys. at least you gots kids. (yes, i am one of those girls who is baby crazy prematurely to my motherhood. except that it started like two years ago, and now instead of wanting babies i want 2-year-olds. which means by the time i have babies i'll want like 7-year-olds. hopefully i won't be too disappointed.)

Pam said...

If he sings like Ben did before his mission (sorry, Ben) maybe for now his silence is a good thing. Later when he "gets it" you can work with him. How's his whistling?
Also, I felt the same way you did about living in a boy world. I grew up with three sisters and a mom. Man, there is definitely a BIG difference. Hang in there, Sweetheart, someday there will be daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. I love the pictures!!!!!!!!!

Pam said...

I think about that a lot too- except the opposite since boys are the shortage around here. You guys just need to live closer to us, that's all. Our house is Barbie heaven!

Megan said...

Uhh... That last comment was me. Oops.

Caity said...

Amen Meg! We all need to just live closer! I have plenty of My Littly Ponys lying around! Give it a year and we'll have Barbies too, I'm sure.

Suzanne said...

Spencer's the same way. Offering candy will get us a few notes, but in the end, it's all futile. Must be a mutated gene.